A common concern of my clients is the appearance of vertical lip lines, commonly referred to as “smoker’s lines” or “lipstick lines”. These stubborn wrinkles are caused by a variety of factors, including: age, genetics, repetitive lifestyle habits, and in some clients, smoking. There are vertical lip lines that develop over time, caused by repetitive facial expressions, the natural ageing process and smoking. These lines run from the top lip towards the nose, starting off as fine lines which can become deeper over time. Smoker lines can make many clients feel self-conscious and concerned about the way they look as the mouth is the focal point to the face. Also known as Lipstick Lines, when applying colour the lipstick can seep into the wrinkles, making it difficult to hide them, resulting in an overall aged appearance.

Smoking promotes the development of vertical lip lines, due to the repetitive action of sucking on the cigarette. Toxins within cigarettes also break down the collagen and restricts blood flow and decreases oxygen to the skin’s surface, resulting in the acceleration of the ageing process. However, smoker lines can appear in those that do not smoke. They can be caused by the natural ageing process, as collagen and elastin decrease the formation of wrinkles and lines are formed. These lines can be hereditary, for example, if your parents have/had vertical lip lines, then it is likely that you will also develop them. Other factors that can cause these lines include:

  • Drinking from a straw
  • Drinking from a bottle
  • Pouting / smiling
  • playing musical instruments
  • Diet and lifestyle

We can treat smoker’s lines by using dermal filler or anti-wrinkle treatments. If you are interested in these procedures or have any questions don’t hesitate to contact me for more information.

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