Looking to grow and maintain healthy, beautiful nails?

With some simple lifestyle changes and stopping bad habits you can have the nails you’ve always dreamed of. Taking proper care of your nails on a regular basis will ensure that they’re always in the best condition. 

  1. Moisturise your hands and nails, especially in the winter when your skin becomes dryer due to the cold weather and heating. Applying cream will help maintain moisturise and prevent any nail breakages. And not forget to moisturise your cuticles, they are there to protect the base of your nails and prevent bacteria infected the nail bed – so apply oil every night and don’t cut them off – they are there for a reason! 
  • Sometimes your nail health is poor as they aren’t getting the vitamins they need. There are several vitamins that are needed to help grow your nails strong and healthy. Vitamin d is the main one which you can get from a daily dose from the sun. The second one is biotin which can be found in food such as nuts, avocado and eggs. Taking these vitamins daily with encourage cell growth and strengthen your nails.
  • Don’t bite your nails! This is a bad habit that definitely needs to be stopped. Not only is it unhygienic and full of bacteria, it also damaged your nail bed and makes it more prone to infection.
  • Where gloves when your cleaning or washing up. The chemicals in cleaning products can weaken the nails by stripping them of the natural oils that help keep them nourished. This will cause them to become weak and break. Using gloves will protect your hands and nails from these harsh chemicals.
  • File your nails carefully. Keep a nail file in your handbag all the time. It can be useful to smooth away any uneven or sharp edges to avoid catching them on something and breaking. When filing your nails always do it in one direction – don’t go back and forth as this can weaken the nails and can cause them to break and won’t give you a nice smooth finish. Also remember not to use your nails as tools for example using them to open cans or scratching things off, which adds pressure and causes them to break.
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